Programmatore, VFX e IT

Convertire un documento word in pdf


La classe Doc2PDF serve per convertire un qualsiasi documento in word caricato nel server in formato PDF

Option Explicit

Doc2PDF "C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserID\My Documents\resume.doc"

Sub Doc2PDF( myFile )
' This subroutine opens a Word document, then saves it as PDF, and closes Word.
' If the PDF file exists, it is overwritten.
' If Word was already active, the subroutine will leave the other document(s)
' alone and close only its "own" document.
' Requirements:
' This script requires the "Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS Add-in for 2007
' Microsoft Office programs", available at:
'        familyid=4D951911-3E7E-4AE6-B059-A2E79ED87041&displaylang=en

    ' Standard housekeeping
    Dim objDoc, objFile, objFSO, objWord, strFile, strPDF

    Const wdFormatDocument                    =  0
    Const wdFormatDocument97                  =  0
    Const wdFormatDocumentDefault             = 16
    Const wdFormatDOSText                     =  4
    Const wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks           =  5
    Const wdFormatEncodedText                 =  7
    Const wdFormatFilteredHTML                = 10
    Const wdFormatFlatXML                     = 19
    Const wdFormatFlatXMLMacroEnabled         = 20
    Const wdFormatFlatXMLTemplate             = 21
    Const wdFormatFlatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled = 22
    Const wdFormatHTML                        =  8
    Const wdFormatPDF                         = 17
    Const wdFormatRTF                         =  6
    Const wdFormatTemplate                    =  1
    Const wdFormatTemplate97                  =  1
    Const wdFormatText                        =  2
    Const wdFormatTextLineBreaks              =  3
    Const wdFormatUnicodeText                 =  7
    Const wdFormatWebArchive                  =  9
    Const wdFormatXML                         = 11
    Const wdFormatXMLDocument                 = 12
    Const wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled     = 13
    Const wdFormatXMLTemplate                 = 14
    Const wdFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled     = 15
    Const wdFormatXPS                         = 18
    Const wdFormatOfficeDocumentTemplate      = 23 (1)
    Const wdFormatMediaWiki                   = 24 (1) (2)

    ' Create a File System object
    Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

    ' Create a Word object
    Set objWord = CreateObject( "Word.Application" )

    With objWord
        ' True: make Word visible; False: invisible
        .Visible = True

        ' Check if the Word document exists
        If objFSO.FileExists( myFile ) Then
            Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile( myFile )
            strFile = objFile.Path
            WScript.Echo "FILE OPEN ERROR: The file does not exist" & vbCrLf
            ' Close Word
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Build the fully qualified HTML file name
        strPDF = objFSO.BuildPath( objFile.ParentFolder, _
                 objFSO.GetBaseName( objFile ) & ".pdf" )

        ' Open the Word document
        .Documents.Open strFile

        ' Make the opened file the active document
        Set objDoc = .ActiveDocument

        ' Save as HTML
        objDoc.SaveAs strPDF, wdFormatPDF

        ' Close the active document

        ' Close Word
    End With
End Sub

Davide Conti

Editare un video significa prima di tutto saper scegliere le clip più adatte, selezionandone anche le parti migliori, per poi metterle in una timeline che funzioni, applicare gli effetti speciali, le espressioni e creare l'impossibile, grazie a 3 aspetti fondamentali: fantasia, esperienza e voglia di migliorarmi ogni giorno.